Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Whales, the sun, core, and a view on the Adelie Coast, Antarctica

Today was a perfect day. When I got up this morning there was no wind, the sun was out, whales were checking out the ship, and we had a view on the coast of Antarctica. That is a lot! A few hours later the first cores came on deck. You can imagine that the whole science team was in a very good mood. The Adelie Coast is one of the windiest places on Earth. The area is usually very foggy with low visibility. None of that seemed true this morning. We were all relaxing a bit before the first cores came up: enjoying the views with the numerous icebergs.
Most icebergs are grounded on the shelf, but a few smaller ones were on the move. We are actually moving out of the way of one now. This evening a few cores were split, and we got to describe them. I will show you some more of that tomorrow. Our internet is going to be down in a few moments. Enjoy the view on the Adelie Coast below. The white above the horizon is the East Antarctic ice sheet, not a cloud. Talk to you later!

1 comment:

Miranda Knutson said...

Hello Sandra!

My name is Miranda Knutson. I am currently a student at the University of Nebraska Lincoln. I am enrolled in a introductory Antarctic Geoscience course, and one of our assignments as to read through your blog posts along your journey! I very much enjoyed learning about your expedition and reading through your commentary.

I am actually emphasizing in the fine arts, specifically painting and ceramics, which lead me to some correlated questions that I was hoping you might have time to answer?

1) Was there a painter abroad your team to capture the beauty of the sites such as the the spectacular view of the white horizon of the East Antarctic ice sheet?

2) Later in your blog you mentioned a snippet about the gamma ray tool, “Another tool is the gamma-ray tool. This tool is able to detect potassium-bearing minerals by exciting the potassium atoms with a radioactive source. In many cases the potassium-bearing phases are clay minerals, so it can be used to pick up fine-grained beds that were missed when coring,” as a ceramicist, I was curious if any of these clay minerals were mined for the use of possible materials for the clay industry? Or if you knew about mining in Antarctica for any clay related elements?

Thanks again for sharing your experience!